I am a man who used to be super social and had no fear. But Since sophomore year, I have lost my edge. All of my old friends are now just aquaintances.. It all happened when my friends started hanging out with the kids from Mt. Ridge. It was the summer of ninth grade and I was gone all of the time because my family traveled, when I finally got a chance to hangout at the end of the summer I barely knew anyone anymore. I didn't know what to do so I just went home. Since that day I have not been the same, no matter how hard I try to be as social, I can't. But I don't complain About it because I wouldn't be the man that I am today if I didn't go through that struggle. I am so glad that I went through that because I like the person I have become and I see what I could have been and I don't think I want to be that person.
It was hard, don't get me wrong! But what can I do, life threw at me a curveball and I ended up making something out of it. Thanks life, you have done me well.
I am....Jared Collins
DANG MAN!!! You are awesome!!