Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Daytime in Paris is quiet and peaceful. Everyone does their own thing. But when people are alone at night or at parties, they go all out and say things out of their comfort zone. Like these blogs, we all have this way we act in society. But when we can hide behind a pen name, we suddenly are comfortable saying all of our secrets because no one will ever know it was you.

But that isn't entirely true, we are going to have to declare to the world who we are. I am not sure what I feel about this. I understand that it is what should happen. But it is scary, to know that in just over a day we will be announcing our identities. Ahh I hate being nervous, I mean I shouldn't be nervouse because there are only a couple of people who read this but it's still terrifying. 

I like it though. It is teaching me to overcome my fear. This class has done that for me countless times. My life has been changed due to Mr. Nelson. Thank you, you are such an inspiration in my life and I owe the world to you. Thank you for being my friend. Thanks.

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