Friday, September 20, 2013

Be That Guy.


What is a friend?

Does a friend ditch you on a Friday night?

When you are sad and down, does a friend just put you said and forget about you?


A friend should be there.

A friend should never let you go.

A true friend will not be the one who bails.

A friend is your colleague 

A friend needs to be your friend.

Everyone needs a friend. 

With out friends we are nothing.

Without the support system friends give us we would die.

We cannot get through this life alone.

We also need to be that friend to others. 

That friend that is committed.

That friend that would do anything for anyone.

If everyone was a perfect friend, there would be peace.

There would be love.

Love is all we need.

Love is everything.

Everything leads to love.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Get Laid.

Q: What does a Big Fat White women and a Brick have in common? 

A: Sooner or later, they will both be laid by a Mexican. 

Just like that brick we all get laid.  Sooner or later....but we here in Mormon land, we usually wait! But why? Young bricks don't wait to get laid, why shouldn't young people get laid? It is ridiculous!

But hey! I heard about this little thing called love! Love and bricks are completely opposite. Like love is so unsure, you can honestly never really know what love is because love is a mystery. But a brick is solid, you can know that there is a brick being thrown at you, but you might not know love is being thrown at you! I don't know ha it's all just a load of crap. Bricks and love and big fat white women have nothing in common! But the way you word things can make things sound alike ha 

Oh well,


Monday, September 16, 2013

What is love...?

Love is stupid
Love is passionate
Love is childish
Love is intelligent 
Love is gross
Love is fantastic
Love is a mistake 
Love is to procreate
Love is sleep 
Love is questionable
Love is unknown
Love is terrifying
Love is ups and downs
Love is perfect
Love is wrong
Love is shy
Love is outgoing
Love is where you don't want to go
Love is all we want
Love is embarrassing 
Love is crazy
Love is returning
Love is leaving
Love is gone
Love is never gonna leave
Love is life
Love is death
Love is protective
Love is against you
Love is......anything you want it to be.

That is love.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


One thing that pisses me off more than anything. Is when you play a sport and you lose and you see people laughing and smiling. I mean you just lost? Why the _____ would you be happy..? Idk I just really hate that! you should be freaking pissed so you are ready to come back and be motivated to just kill it in practice and the next game. 

I understand that you have to cool down and keep a level head. But not while your still on the _____ field!? It takes some time to be okay. Idk I am just pissed that people don't take a loss seriously. Just if you are one of those kids and your gonna be happy then don't go be happy in front of everyone be happy at home. And if your gonna not even be upset you lost just quit the sport!? If your not gonna take it seriously then leave. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Am I an athlete?

In sports, people are often called athletes. But what makes someone an athlete? Is it because they are a starter? Or is it because they have good stamina? I honestly don't know the answer. But from what I have seen, It looks like someone is an athlete when they know and can do a little bit of everything. For example: Chase Hansen was an athlete because he had endurance, stamina, raw talent and he was just super human. But what made him an athlete in my eyes was the fact that he also played basketball. They way he can be so successful in two sports is an incredible accomplishment.

An athlete doesn't have to play more than one sport though. They can excel in one sport and just be and overall athlete. The dictionary says and athlete is: a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise. So I guess if you are good at sports then you are an athlete.

So are you an athlete? Are we all? Or is it an accomplishment that few people get? Or is it an opinion? 

That is for you to decide. 

If only...

Childhood is a treasure. A treasure I wish I could have back. From the freeness and innocence to the simplicity and casualness. Life was easy. There were no worries. Well other than you always thinking "WHERE IS MOM!?!!?" That is all I honestly cared about. If I didn't know where she was at all times I suddenly became apart of the search and rescue. Haha it's weird but we all know its true. 

I loved my childhood. One thing I miss the most is the lack seems like after 6th grade, everyone just became these dramatic little snitches. There was nothing anyone could do to avoid it. Drama was life. And it still is. Haha I remember I used to freak out when I would be texting someone and they wouldn't text me back. And it was like the end of the world!! Instantly i would think to myself: why do they hate me?, what did I do?, am I a bad person?...we all know all of us have thought that! It's awful and embarrassing haha.

Well I want my childhood back. I want to be who I used to be. I don't necessarily like who I have become. Take me back.

If only.....if only...

Hunger Games

Human. What is a human? Are we human? 

Everyone believes we are humans. But how do we know that? What if we are like chess pieces in the hands of real humans? Do we know that? No. There is no proof! As far as we know we could be like the hunger games. Just a game that the "real" humans play for entertainment. Think about that. It's truly possible. You know when you have that feeling that you are being watched, or that you aren't in Control of your life...

Think about it. Spend a little time to research or ponder on whether we are humans or not. 

Are we human, or what are we?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Manchester Black is the leader of the crime fighting group The Elite. He had a really rough childhood...he was beat daily  by his father and vowed to help make the world a better place. 

He is a motivation to me because he has such a crappy life and he could have became like his dad but he decided to make the best of his life and work to make the world a better place.