Thursday, September 12, 2013


One thing that pisses me off more than anything. Is when you play a sport and you lose and you see people laughing and smiling. I mean you just lost? Why the _____ would you be happy..? Idk I just really hate that! you should be freaking pissed so you are ready to come back and be motivated to just kill it in practice and the next game. 

I understand that you have to cool down and keep a level head. But not while your still on the _____ field!? It takes some time to be okay. Idk I am just pissed that people don't take a loss seriously. Just if you are one of those kids and your gonna be happy then don't go be happy in front of everyone be happy at home. And if your gonna not even be upset you lost just quit the sport!? If your not gonna take it seriously then leave. 

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